Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Replacing Bad Habbits With Good Ones

We all have a bad habit or two and they come and go throughout our life but we can't just stay in that habit. It would be counterproductive actually! Say you have a bad habit of staying up too late and sleeping in until noon or later every day! This all starts because you allow yourself to get off track by staying up late one night! That's right just one night. What happens is in that one night you stay up until 2 in the morning rather than going to bed at 11 or midnight and instead of waking up at 7 or 8 you start waking up at 10 or 11.

Then you get onto this slippery slope and each night you stay up a little later and later until you eventually turn into an insomniac! In order to fix this problem you have to replace your nighttime activities with more relaxing things and begin to wind down in the evening so that you can get to bed at a decent time. You are simply replacing a bad habit with a good habit and it works with everything from sleep habits to eating habits, to drinking or smoking habits. If you want to kick a habit replace it with a good one.

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