Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Comfort Kills

One of the biggest reasons people plateau at some point with the results they are getting out of their fitness program is because they get too comfortable. They get into this repetitive mode of doing the same workouts throughout the week, never switching it up, never raising the bar, and never living up to their full potential. Say you keep going to the gym Monday threw Friday doing different muscle groups each day of the week with the same routine just raising the weight here and there. Yeah you might see results for a while but you will eventually flat line.

In order to gain strength, build stronger muscles, and to keep moving forward you need to confuse your muscles with new exercises as well as push yourself out of your comfort zone! Don't limit yourself with what your can do, it's mind over body and if you push yourself you can do anything you want to do. The only limit is that you can't do too much too fast or you will end up injuring yourself. For example say your benching, your doing a set of 6 with 160 a set of 6 with 170 and two sets of 4 with 175 but when your done you know you could have done a little more. This doesn't mean that you have to go raising the weight just yet but doing more repetitions, and then progressively raise the weight.

This is why goal setting with deadlines is so important! When you set a goal with a deadline your telling yourself okay, I need to be able to put up this much weight by this date and in order to do this I am going to push myself a little further with each workout. It's all about progress! You need to keep making progress and constantly look to better yourself through creating more challenges weather it's a tougher workout, being more disciplined, or even adding a new activity to your daily life like running every morning. Look for ways to constantly challenge yourself in ways that will make you stronger in everything you do. If you allow yourself to slip into a cycle of comfort and continual repetition you will surely hit the wall so keep the challenges coming!

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